Faculty Leaders

In this module...

What you'll do in this module:

  • Review relevant AI policies and guidelines
  • Survey faculty on AI familiarity and concerns
  • Develop an initial draft vision for AI in your faculty

AI Lesson Summary

Welcome to Module One where the faculty leader discusses developing the draft vision for your faculty and the initial policies and documentation you should be aware of. Here are the key points covered in this video:

  • Faculty leaders are responsible for keeping their team informed about updates and policies at various levels.
  • Leaders can help make information easily digestible for their team.
  • Select relevant information and policies to share with your team.
  • Craft a focused and practical vision for your faculty.
  • Familiarise yourself with relevant documentation and generative artificial intelligence tools.
  • Read updated academic integrity and AI assessment policies before exploring additional resources.
  • Look for national and international policies that are applicable to your faculty.
  • Identify the most relevant documents and share them with your team.
  • Envision the future of your faculty considering emerging technologies.
  • Once you have your draft vision, move on to the faculty team video to finalise it with your team.

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